(四) Analysis of future development trend of China’s hotel supplies industry

(四) Analysis future development trend of China's hotel supplies industry

  • Product homogenization hinders the industry’s development.

Product homogenization has always been a difficult problem to solve in the hotel supplies industry. 

It’s not difficult to find out that more than a dozen enterprises all sell the same styles or colors of the product. Although it is mentioned above that the hotel supplies industry has been developing towards intelligence and customization, there are still many weak enterprises in the stage of “plagiarism”. 

These companies are not powerful to afford the costs for research and design, so they could only “copy or modify” other companies’ products. 

With the increase of market competition, the hotel supplies industry will definitely develop towards specialization and differentiation.

  • Matthew effect: aggravation of industry polarization.

In brief, the Matthew effect means that the stronger the strong, the weaker the weak, which is exactly the tendency of hotel supplies industry. 

Strong enterprises are able to invest a great deal of money in research and marketing, while weak enterprises can only “copy” the products of large enterprises. 

Thus, industry polarization is further aggravating, big firms are taking more market share and small firms are struggling to survive. 

As mentioned above, intelligence and customization are new trends in the industry, which is an opportunity for large enterprises, but maybe a fatal strike for small enterprises.

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